I am predominantly Italian and Spanish (Basque) on my patrilineal side. My matrilineal is French (Breton). I grew up speaking Italian (and the other tongues), plus Greek and English. I am based in South Warwickshire, England. Notwithstanding, I was raised unsettled across the above lands and Greece (due to family ties). Listeners come across other linguistic tributes to loved ones, including those on my long-term partner's (Celtic) side, in the works. 

Through experimentation, I taught myself a variety of keyboard instruments from six years old, progressing to (plucked) string instruments and woodwind. I also play percussion and drums. For all other parts of my composing, I use a digital orchestra. 

I sentimentally write of Love and Death. I respect and appreciate most creative minds and souls regardless of taste. I have no single influence. I do have a particular fondness for Dante Alighieri. I believe The Divine Comedy is The Greatest narrative (romantic) poem ever written, and The New Life was the reason I scribbled my first poem (also at age six). 

I admire the myth and folklore of my ancestral lands. The legacy of the Greco-Roman Pantheon has always (in some way or other) surrounded and intrigued me. My imagination has also been (positively) infected by Vivaldi, Giambattista Basile, Boccaccio, Virgil, Ovid, Homer and Hesiod. Of course, I have females whose work I enjoy, but these eight minds have made the most impression. What else can I tell you? Ah, yes, as well as attention-shy, I am a (very) private person. 

Good to meet you.